Seminaire LMT ENS Cachan 21 février 2013: "Lagrange-remap solver and low-diffusive interface capturing for air-water flows"

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  • #1

    Best Juicer (mercredi, 17 avril 2013 03:04)

    This particular article was exactly what I was looking for!


Pharmacognosy brings nature to our medicine chests (jeu., 16 mai 2024)
Professor Mehdi Beniddir, both a researcher in chemistry and a pharmacist, explains how pharmacognosy makes it possible to develop new medicinal drugs from substances found in nature.
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What fossils tell us about crocodiles (Mon, 29 Apr 2024)
A massive asteroid struck the Earth 66 million years ago, dramatically affecting marine and terrestrial environments, and causing the mass extinction of numerous animal and plant species. The sebecosuchians, a highly-adaptable group of reptiles belonging to the Crocodilian order, were one of the lineages that survived the impact. In a bid to characterise the diet of these ancient species and the environment in which they lived, a team from the LGL-TPE laboratory in Lyon (southeastern France)* used several methods, including the chemical analysis of their bones and the detailed study of their skulls.
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